Friday, March 24, 2006

Take 2

Okay... So we all remember how successful our little experiment has been so far right? Well don't worry folks, we are not about to give up so easy! After a few days of deep introspective thought and meditation I was ready to climb back on that horse and give her another go.

So first step soak the beans.....Check
Next, steam the beans (LONGER).....Check
Next mix them with natto bacteria, salt, sugar and water....Check

Ok so here was the mistake, instead of making haste and very quickly mixing the bacteria in with very clean utensils as you must, I slowly stirred as if lost in a day dream allowing the beans to cool and possibly allowing other bacteria to invade!

The result???

After 24 hours of magic I joyfully took my baby out of the oven, ripped off the foil lid, took a long long sniff...... and very quickly realized that what I had produced could probably poison a drunken donkey!

So naturally my wife and I tried it!..... Ok, I know what you are thinking. Why if you were suspect of having created a monster then why did you and your wife BOTH put it in your mouths? Simple answer: I didn't want to die alone!

So what now? Back to the drawing board!


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