Natto Idea #1 No rice? No problem!
So most of you must know that normally Natto is eaten at breakfast with rice, on it's own or as part of a full breakfast with fish, miso soup and so on. Well here in North America we are not always so organized as to have rice ready in the a.m. and not all of us are blessed with rice cookers with timers or maybe we just like the idea of toast in the morning!
So all of the above applies to you? Don't fret, here is a simple, quick, nutritious way to enjoy your natto in the morning.
One piece of lightly grilled bread (toast)
One fresh egg, over easy or however you prefer!
Natto! Pictured here is black natto with soya sauce and fresh wasabi
Assemble all items on a plate and enjoy!!!!
Caution...... one might not be enough!
Here's another good rice-free natto breakfast: mix braised chopped spinach with natto and put on Brittany style galettes (thin buckwheat pancakes) which you then roll up. Yumm...
Natto toast!
hi, i've stumbled onto your great affection for natto. I'm a newbie. (its common in my culture to make homemade nutritious yogurt from scratch, but i wanna try this natto too, same field i guess!).
Where can i get the good natto spores powder in NY? or do you use existing natto to make your new natto? (way yogurt works and the "poolish" in bread).
thanks much,
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