Saturday, April 01, 2006

Natto Idea #6 Natto Lasagna

Alright, soo..... Natto pasta? Yeah everybody has heard of that right? Well maybe in Japan but even in Japan I think that my version and the standard Japanese version might differ a little! So when I brought up the Idea of natto lasagna even my very supportive wife was skeptical to say the least!

Despite the cool reception that I got when I mentioned my latest harebrained culinary attempt, I was undaunted and even more intent on succeeding in this multilayered endeavor than ever. For this plan to work I needed just the right kind of natto.... not to strong, not too stringy hmm...... Oh yeah..... perfect... I just happened to just the right legume for this situation.... LENTIL NATTO!!!!!

I set to work as soon as I got home. I feverishly prepared my best sauce, pan fried very lean beef with garlic, onion and chili. I shredded some nice Italian mozzarella and assembled the whole mess with about half a kilogram of lentil natto and popped it in a 350 degree oven for about 45 min.

I could hardly wait.....

Finally I served.......

How would she like it....

I was worried......

SUCCESS! She ate like a chipmunk in a nut factory! Despite her earlier skepticism my wife devoured 2 pieces like a prisoner on parole, i couldn't have been more proud!




Blogger Kiers So said...

hi, won't cooking natto bean @ 350 for 45 min kill the natto? the whole point of natto is not to kill the benefits, right?

9:48 p.m.  

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